Optimal Execution among N Traders with Transient Price Impact

We derive explicit equilibria in an N-player optimal execution game with an OW model of price impact and resolve a decade-old puzzle in the literature related to the erratic strategies that arise in discrete-trading games.

A Bayesian sequential soft classification problem for a Brownian motion's drift

We study a soft classification analogue of the classical sequential testing problem for the drift of a Brownian motion.

Macroscopic properties of equity markets: stylized facts and portfolio performance

We take a macroscopic perspective on the US equity market and provide a new set of stylized facts.

A mean field game of sequential testing

We study an optimal stopping mean field game with filtering and common noise based on the classic Bayesian sequential testing problem for the drift of a Brownian motion.

Deep learning for principal-agent mean field games

In this paper we develop a deep learning algorithm for solving Principal-Agent (PA) mean field games with market-clearing conditions.